Latest News!



Member-clubs have been invited to participate in an EGM, by videoconference, on Tuesday 11th March.

The Agenda has been published to clubs. It will be loaded here, on the AGM page, as soon as the documents for review have seen the light of day.



Preparations are well under way for Season 2025. The Competitions Entry Form has now been published to clubs - a copy can be found on the Competitions page.


ACCSO's 2024 AGM was held at Damazan on Saturday 30th November.


The Provisional Minutes have now been published and can be found - together with all the key documents debated - on the AGM page of this site.

Peter Brown and Hui Scheers were re-elected as President and Secretary. Hui also picked up the VP seat, left vacant with Peter Townsend stepping down.






Catus CC beat Montpellier BCC in the Blevins Franks League Final at Lac Vert on 15th September!



The Final of the Blevins Franks Cup - our Flagship tournament - was played at Eymet (Bretou) on 8th September. And the local side lifted the Cup by beating Catus CC near the end of a rain-affected match.

Our generous sponsors closed the event with the traditional awarding of cups and medals.




Nîmes CC lifted the T20 trophy at Lac Vert on 18th August.


Go to the Competitions Results page for details!



The full 2024 calendar is available on the Competitions Fixtures page.


The 2024 Match Regulations are published on the Competitions Regulations page.



Four experienced umpires have volunteered their services, each in his respective zone of travel, for the 2024 season.    

Their availability  can be seen on the Umpires page.

And a good number of club-members have completed the MCC e-learning programme!





Earlier News


An EGM was held on Saturday 10 February 2024, ahead of season-2024.


Principal subjects were the status of clubs' affiliation projects and participation in 2024 competitions.


Provisional minutes have now been pulished to the clubs and a copy is now showing on the AGM page


The EGM approved modifications to ACCSO's        Disciplinary Code and approved a new Policy on Pitch Standards and Player Safety. These documents are now available on the Competitions Regulations   page.                                                                               The EGM also approved modifications to ACCSO's Règlement Intérieur - now available on the ACCSO Organisation page.

AGM 2023 was held at Damazan

on Saturday 2nd December 2023.


A new Secretary was elected and revised Contact details are now accessible on the ACCSO Organisation page


Member-clubs agreed on their affiliation strategy for 2024. ACCSO's core documents will be updated accordingly and presented for approval at an imminent EGM, ahead of season-2024.


The documents considered on 2 December are accessible on the AGM page.


Earlier Major News:


The death of former ACCSO president Ian Brown was the loss of a good friend and deprived the cricketting community of the greater south-west of France a great supporter and tireless administrator.



His ashes were scattered in the churchyard in his Dordogne village.


Thank you, Ian, for all that you have done to make our cricket possible.




Our cricket is generously sponsored by Blevins Franks,

who provide financial services to people moving to - and living in - France.

826Visit Blevins Franks' site from here.

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