Are you looking to play cricket in the south-west of France ,
In an arc from Bergerac to Bordeaux, Agen, Cahors and Toulouse ?
If so, you've come to the right place!
Vous cherchez du cricket dans
le grand sudouest de la France?
Vous êtes arrivés au bon endroit!
This site is managed by a regional body called ACCSO (*), which has been organising competitive cricket for its member-clubs since 1992.
For member-clubs, this site is the principal point of reference for fixtures, results and regulations for the current season, plus all the administrative documents typical of any sporting body.
We also provide services for would-be visitor clubs
to help them find the right places to play on tour
Go straight to the "Looking for Cricket?" page!
* Association des Clubs du Cricket du Sud-Ouest
Our cricket is generously sponsored by Blevins Franks, who provide financial services to people moving to - and living in - France.
Visit Blevins Franks' site from here.
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